

c# Programming Glossary: cryptostreammode.write

Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C#


cryptoStream new CryptoStream memoryStream encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write cryptoStream.Write plainTextBytes 0 plainTextBytes.Length cryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock..

CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed


cs new CryptoStream ms algorithm.CreateEncryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write cs.Write clearBytes 0 clearBytes.Length cs.Close return Convert.ToBase64String.. cs new CryptoStream ms algorithm.CreateDecryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write cs.Write cipherBytes 0 cipherBytes.Length cs.Close return System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString..

how to use RSA to encrypt files (huge data) in C#


TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider .CreateEncryptor Key IV CryptoStreamMode.Write What is the way to encrypt files using RSA c# cryptography..

Getting incorrect decryption value using AesCryptoServiceProvider


new CryptoStream memStream aesProvider.CreateEncryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write encStream.Write rawData 0 rawData.Length encStream.FlushFinalBlock.. new CryptoStream memStream aesProvider.CreateDecryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write decStream.Write encryptedMsg 0 encryptedMsg.Length decStream.FlushFinalBlock..

Simple 2 way encryption for C#


cs new CryptoStream memoryStream EncryptorTransform CryptoStreamMode.Write cs.Write bytes 0 bytes.Length cs.FlushFinalBlock #endregion.. new CryptoStream encryptedStream DecryptorTransform CryptoStreamMode.Write decryptStream.Write EncryptedValue 0 EncryptedValue.Length decryptStream.FlushFinalBlock..

Encrypt/Decrypt string in .NET


csEncrypt new CryptoStream msEncrypt encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write using StreamWriter swEncrypt new StreamWriter csEncrypt ..

Using AES encryption in C#


csEncrypt new CryptoStream msEncrypt encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write using StreamWriter swEncrypt new StreamWriter csEncrypt ..

CA2202, how to solve this case


memoryStream cryptograph.CreateEncryptor key iv CryptoStreamMode.Write using StreamWriter streamWriter new StreamWriter cryptoStream.. memoryStream cryptograph.CreateEncryptor key iv CryptoStreamMode.Write var result memoryStream memoryStream null streamWriter new..

openssl using only .NET classes


csEncrypt new CryptoStream msEncrypt encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write using StreamWriter swEncrypt new StreamWriter csEncrypt .. csEncrypt new CryptoStream msEncrypt encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write using StreamWriter swEncrypt new StreamWriter csEncrypt ..

How to generate Rijndael KEY and IV using a passphrase?


new CryptoStream memoryStream rijndael.CreateEncryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write cryptoStream.Write plain 0 plain.Length cryptoStream.Close return.. new CryptoStream memoryStream rijndael.CreateDecryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write cryptoStream.Write cipher 0 cipher.Length cryptoStream.Close..

How to create a password protected file in C#


new CryptoStream fileStream rijndael.CreateEncryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write write data and decrypt public static void Decrypt FileInfo..

Why are RijndaelManaged and AesCryptoServiceProvider returning different results?


crypto_stream new CryptoStream mem_stream cryptoTransform CryptoStreamMode.Write bytes are transformed on a write crypto_stream.Write dataToTransform..