

c# Programming Glossary: dumps

Generating .NET crash dumps automatically


.NET crash dumps automatically I know how to generate Crash Dump files with.. mind P Invoke'ing if necessary. Thanks c# .net crash dumps share improve this question Note that creating a minidump..

Why does my C# gzip produce a larger file than Fiddler or PHP?


three outputs to dropbox here . And these are the raw hexdumps of those files not sure if they are really any use like this.. simply a bug very bad implementation. Update With the hex dumps I can provide some analysis. First both the Fiddler and php..

Symbol issue when debugging C# code


by myself manually c# .net debugging windbg crash dumps share improve this question I believe the strange part of..

Invoking powershell cmdlets from C#


Tokenize script ref null select content type ft auto This dumps out the following information. It's not as rich as the AST parser..

How can I get functionality similar to Spy++ in my C# app?


long . It iterates through processes and their windows and dumps window text into console. static void Main string args foreach..

How does SetUnhandledExceptionFilter work in .NET WinForms applications?


can ClrDump be doing that I'm not doing ClrDump produces dumps in all cases so its exception filter must still be called.....

Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP


You are mixing byte arrays with stirng representing hex dumps you use a hard coded IV instead of deriving it from the passphrase..

Background Intelligent Transfer Service In C#


Yes we're using it in a tool to let customers upload logs dumps etc. to our customer support department. You could use it directly..

How do I obtain a crash dump


sits and does nothing. For resource leaks multiple memory dumps of a process can be collected over a period of time and examined.. the full dump. Procdump will also automatically take dumps at time intervals or when a specific condition is met. Read.. Dump File Tool . The reason being it will collect 64bit dumps of 32bit processes which are overly difficult to debug. share..

How to export a FusionChart to Image in ASP.Net


demo demo swfobj.InputSWFFileName Server.MapPath dumps swf FCF_MSColumn3D.swf If ddlImageExtension.SelectedValue jpg.. swfobj.Execute_GetImage swfobj.SaveToFile Server.MapPath dumps images filenm swfobj.Execute_End Call DownloadImage filenm End.. Sub DownloadImage ByVal fn As String Image1.ImageUrl ~ dumps images fn Dim fi As New FileInfo Server.MapPath dumps images..

Getting IIS Worker Process Crash dumps


IIS Worker Process Crash dumps I'm doing something bad in my ASP.NET app. It could be the.. Windows has has a script ADPLUS that allows you to create dumps when a process CRASHES http support.microsoft.com kb 286350..

Large Object Heap Fragmentation


the blocks of free memory that are evident in the memory dumps. What makes me suspicious is that the object arrays always appear..

How to debug/break in codedom compiled code


with conditional compilation directive so that it dumps the generated assembly only in debug mode. share improve this..