

c# Programming Glossary: duplicatetoken

Run Powershell-Script from C# Application


CharSet.Auto SetLastError true private static extern int DuplicateToken IntPtr hToken int impersonationLevel ref IntPtr hNewToken DllImport.. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT ref token 0 if DuplicateToken token 2 ref tokenDuplicate 0 tempWindowsIdentity new WindowsIdentity..

How do you impersonate an Active Directory user in Powershell?


CharSet.Auto SetLastError true private static extern int DuplicateToken IntPtr hToken int impersonationLevel ref IntPtr hNewToken DllImport.. LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT ref token 0 if DuplicateToken token 2 ref tokenDuplicate 0 tempWindowsIdentity new WindowsIdentity..

C#: How to logon to a share when using DirectoryInfo


true ExactSpelling true public static extern int DuplicateToken IntPtr ExistingTokenHandle int ImpersonationLevel ref IntPtr.. ExistingTokenHandle int ImpersonationLevel ref IntPtr DuplicateTokenHandle DllImport advapi32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto SetLastError.. LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50 ref token 0 if DuplicateToken token 2 ref tokenDuplicate 0 tempWindowsIdentity new WindowsIdentity..

How to change folders permission to the current user by using admin credentials?


false ThrowOnUnmappableChar true private static extern int DuplicateToken IntPtr hToken int impersonationLevel ref IntPtr hNewToken.. INTERACTIVE_NUMBER DEFAULT_NUMBER ref token 0 if DuplicateToken token 2 ref tokenDuplicate 0 tempWindowsIdentity new WindowsIdentity..

How do I pass credentials to a machine so I can use Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey() on it?


CharSet.Auto SetLastError true public extern static bool DuplicateToken IntPtr existingTokenHandle int SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL..

Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#?


MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool internal static extern bool DuplicateToken IntPtr existingTokenHandle SecurityImpersonationLevel securityImpersonationLevel.. Win32Exception try IntPtr tokenDuplicate if NativeMethods.DuplicateToken token NativeMethods.SecurityImpersonationLevel.Impersonation..

How to Process Start with Impersonated Domain User


CharSet.Auto SetLastError true public extern static bool DuplicateToken IntPtr ExistingTokenHandle int SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL.. int SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ref IntPtr DuplicateTokenHandle #endregion summary Constructor. Impersonates the requested..

LogonUser and delegation


need to define the API's for AdvApi32.LogonUser AdvApi32.DuplicateToken and Kernel32.CloseHandle and make sure to Close the WindowsImpersonationContext.. lastWin32Error lastError copy the token isOkay AdvApi32.DuplicateToken existingTokenHandle int AdvApi32.SecurityImpersonationLevel.SecurityImpersonation.. existingTokenHandle throw new Exception DuplicateToken Failed lastWin32Error lastError create an identity from the..