

c# Programming Glossary: dwtype

How do I access ARP-protocol information through .NET?


public int dwAddr MarshalAs UnmanagedType.U4 public int dwType Declare the GetIpNetTable function. DllImport IpHlpApi.dll..

How to Set mouse cursor position to a specified point on screen in C#?


void DoClickMouse int mouseButton var input new INPUT dwType 0 Mouse input mi new MOUSEINPUT dwFlags mouseButton if SendInput.. int time IntPtr dwExtraInfo struct INPUT public uint dwType public MOUSEINPUT mi DllImport user32.dll SetLastError true..

How to apply Windows group policy using .NET?


HKEY hKey LPCTSTR subKey LPCTSTR valueName DWORD dwType const BYTE szkeyValue DWORD dwkeyValue CoInitialize NULL HKEY.. hSubKey flag ERROR_SUCCESS return false CoUninitialize if dwType REG_SZ if RegSetValueEx hSubKey valueName 0 dwType szkeyValue.. if dwType REG_SZ if RegSetValueEx hSubKey valueName 0 dwType szkeyValue strlen char szkeyValue 1 ERROR_SUCCESS RegCloseKey..

Changing master volume level


CharSet CharSet.Auto public struct TargetInfo public uint dwType public uint dwDeviceID public ushort wMid public ushort wPid..

Accessing a Shared File (UNC) From a Remote, Non-Trusted Domain With Credentials


should pass null for the lpLocalName and lpProvider. The dwType should be RESOURCETYPE_DISK. The lpRemoteName should be ComputerName...