

c# Programming Glossary: e.state

C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node


Color textColour e.Node.ForeColor if Bitfield.IsBitSet e.State TreeNodeStates.Grayed textColour Color.FromArgb 255 128 128.. on my laptop... if HideSelection if Bitfield.IsBitSet e.State TreeNodeStates.Selected Bitfield.IsBitSet e.State TreeNodeStates.Hot.. e.State TreeNodeStates.Selected Bitfield.IsBitSet e.State TreeNodeStates.Hot Rectangle selRect new Rectangle textLeft..

C# Can I display images in a list box?


color depending on if the item is selected or not. if e.State DrawItemState.Selected DrawItemState.Selected The item is..

TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes


Node .typ if type 5 type 6 Color backColor foreColor if e.State TreeNodeStates.Selected TreeNodeStates.Selected backColor.. foreColor SystemColors.HighlightText else if e.State TreeNodeStates.Hot TreeNodeStates.Hot backColor SystemColors.HotTrack.. this.TvOne.Font e.Node.Bounds foreColor backColor if e.State TreeNodeStates.Focused TreeNodeStates.Focused ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle..

Does Entity Framework 4 Code First have support for identity generators like NHibernate?


var entry in ChangeTracker.Entries MyEntity .Where e e.State EntityState.Added Here you have to add some logic to generate..

Highlighting a particular item in a combo box


comboBox1.Font Brush backgroundColor Brush textColor if e.State DrawItemState.Selected DrawItemState.Selected backgroundColor..

how can i get the same page with the click of back button of browser


object sender System.Web.UI.HistoryEventArgs e if e.State null if e.State pi null grid.PageIndex Convert.ToInt32 e.State.. System.Web.UI.HistoryEventArgs e if e.State null if e.State pi null grid.PageIndex Convert.ToInt32 e.State pi share..