

c# Programming Glossary: e.url

WebBrowser Control in a new thread


e var br sender as WebBrowser if br.Url e.Url Console.WriteLine Natigated to 0 e.Url Application.ExitThread.. if br.Url e.Url Console.WriteLine Natigated to 0 e.Url Application.ExitThread Stops the thread share improve this..

click on a link event webbrowser c#?


Download file and automatically save it to folder


client_DownloadFileCompleted client.DownloadFileAsync e.Url filepath Full sourcecode http en.paidpaste.com LqEmiQ c# file.. client_DownloadDataCompleted client.DownloadDataAsync e.Url void client_DownloadDataCompleted object sender DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs..

How to use WebBrowser control DocumentCompleted event in C#?


e if WebBrowser sender .Document.Url.Equals e.Url iframe_counter if WebBrowser sender .Document.Window.Frames.Count.. best idea to wait for them forever. I ended up using if e.Url wb.Url c# automation c# 2.0 webbrowser control share improve.. sender WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e string url e.Url.ToString if url.StartsWith http url.StartsWith https in AJAX..