

c# Programming Glossary: fs.position

Editing a text file in place through C#


FileStream inputFilename FileMode.Open FileAccess.Write fs.Position startIndex byte newTextBytes Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes newText..

How to determine whether a DLL is a managed assembly or native (prevent loading a native dll)?


fs PE Header starts @ 0x3C 60 . Its a 4 byte header. fs.Position 0x3C peHeader reader.ReadUInt32 Moving to PE Header start location..... reader.ReadUInt32 Moving to PE Header start location... fs.Position peHeader peHeaderSignature reader.ReadUInt32 We can also show.. file dataDictionaryStart Convert.ToUInt16 Convert.ToUInt16 fs.Position 0x60 fs.Position dataDictionaryStart for int i 0 i 15 i dataDictionaryRVA..

Get last 10 lines of very large text file > 10GB c#


numberOfTokens byte returnBuffer new byte fs.Length fs.Position fs.Read returnBuffer 0 returnBuffer.Length return encoding.GetString..

Using FileStream.Seek


reader new StreamReader fs step lineNo 1 LineLength fs.Position fs.Position step if line reader.ReadLine null PrintLine.. new StreamReader fs step lineNo 1 LineLength fs.Position fs.Position step if line reader.ReadLine null PrintLine lineNo line..

StreamReader and seeking


fs Debug.WriteLine sr.ReadLine Prints firstline var pos fs.Position while sr.EndOfStream Debug.WriteLine sr.ReadLine fs.Seek pos..