

c# Programming Glossary: iobjectcontextadapter

Set Command Timeout in entity framework 4.3


DbContext you'll first need to drop down to ObjectContext IObjectContextAdapter context .ObjectContext.CommandTimeout 180 share improve this..

Entity Framework Code-First Issues (SimpleMembership UserProfile table)


database without Entity Framework migration schema IObjectContextAdapter context .ObjectContext.CreateDatabase This works fine the database..

Soft Delete Entity Framework Code First


private ObjectContext _ObjectContext get return this as IObjectContextAdapter .ObjectContext private EntitySetBase GetEntitySet Type type..

Code-First Entity Framework w/ Stored Procedure returning results from complex Full-text Searches


new List Person using var db new DataContext var context IObjectContextAdapter db .ObjectContext db.Database.Connection.Open var command db.Database.Connection.CreateCommand..

Entity Framework/SQL2008 - How to Automatically Update LastModified fields for Entities?


public override int SaveChanges ObjectContext context IObjectContextAdapter this .ObjectContext Find all Entities that are Added Modified..

What are the downsides to turning off ProxyCreationEnabled for CTP5 of EF code first


model is by setting the ProxyCreationEnable to false. IObjectContextAdapter MyDb .ObjectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnable false..

Does Entity Framework Code First support stored procedures?


underlying ObjectContext IEnumerable Customer customers IObjectContextAdapter this .ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery Customer select from customers..

Entity Framework 4.1 - EFTracingProvider


nameOrConnectionString true enable sql tracing IObjectContextAdapter this .ObjectContext.EnableTracing For code first DbContexts.. nameOrConnectionString true enable sql tracing IObjectContextAdapter this .ObjectContext.EnableTracing private static DbConnection..

Generic Way to Check If Entity Exists In Entity Framework?


I think something like that should work var objContext IObjectContextAdapter dbContext .ObjectContext var objSet objContext.CreateObjectSet..

Entity Framework v4.1 LIKE


AS e WHERE e.Field LIKE 'a b c ' ObjectContext ctx IObjectContextAdapter dbContext .ObjectContext ObjectQuery EntityType query new ObjectQuery..

Entity Framework Timeouts


the older EF data context API. For the newer one do this IObjectContextAdapter this.context .ObjectContext.CommandTimeout 180 share improve..

Entity Framework and DbContext - Object Tracking


lose your changes you can do ObjectContext objectContext IObjectContextAdapter dbContext .ObjectContext ObjectSet Transactions set objectContext.CreateObjectSet..

Attaching and detaching entities from context correctly in EF4.1


trackedEntity.SetChangeTracker null IObjectContextAdapter context .ObjectContext.Detach entity private static void Attach.. entity private static void Attach object entity IObjectContextAdapter context .ObjectContext.Attach IEntityWithKey entity public..