

c# Programming Glossary: list.foreach

Why is there not a ForEach extension method on the IEnumerable interface?


the job most of the time. I'd hate to see the following list.ForEach item item.DoSomething Instead of foreach Item item in list item.DoSomething..

Is the List<T>.ForEach() method gone?


not compile under a metro app var list new List string list.ForEach System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine I've searched to see if I..

How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it?


list var listTracked new List KeyValuePair string bool list.ForEach item listTracked.Add new KeyValuePair string bool item false.. for int i list.Count 1 i 0 i if list i 5 list.RemoveAt i list.ForEach i Console.WriteLine i Alternately you can use the RemoveAll.. List int Enumerable.Range 1 10 Console.WriteLine Before list.ForEach i Console.WriteLine i list.RemoveAll i i 5 Console.WriteLine..

Lambda Explanation and what it is as well as a good example [duplicate]
