

c# Programming Glossary: myinput

C# - remove text in between delimiters in a string - regex?


here. The algorithm would look something like this string myInput Give Me Some Purple And More Elephants string pattern some pattern.. string pattern some pattern string output Regex.Replace myInput pattern string.Empty Question How would you achieve this with..

How to convert a Unicode character to its ASCII equivalent


what I've tried I see now why this did not work... string myInput Convert.ToString Convert.ToChar 710 byte asBytes Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes.. Convert.ToChar 710 byte asBytes Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes myInput But this does not result in 94 but a byte with value 63... Here's..

get name of a variable or parameter [duplicate]


name of a variable or parameter For example if I have var myInput input var nameOfVar GETNAME myInput nameOfVar should be myInput.. example if I have var myInput input var nameOfVar GETNAME myInput nameOfVar should be myInput void testName Type myInput var nameOfParam.. input var nameOfVar GETNAME myInput nameOfVar should be myInput void testName Type myInput var nameOfParam GETNAME myInput nameOfParam..