

c# Programming Glossary: openprocesstoken

Detect if running as Administrator with or without elevated privileges?


return MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Bool static extern bool OpenProcessToken IntPtr ProcessHandle UInt32 DesiredAccess out IntPtr TokenHandle.. get if IsUacEnabled IntPtr tokenHandle if OpenProcessToken Process.GetCurrentProcess .Handle TOKEN_READ out tokenHandle..

Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on


static extern Boolean OpenProcessToken IntPtr ProcessHandle handle to process Int32 DesiredAccess.. false UInt32 userAppProcessId IntPtr hPToken IntPtr.Zero OpenProcessToken hProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES TOKEN_QUERY TOKEN_DUPLICATE.. if hPToken IntPtr.Zero output.AppendLine String.Format OpenProcessToken OK Token 0 hPToken LUID luid new LUID if LookupPrivilegeValue..

Possible to launch a process in a user's session from a service?


dwSessionId sizeof DWORD cbReturnLength bSuccess OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess MAXIMUM_ALLOWED hProcessToken bSuccess DuplicateTokenEx..

Set System Time Zone from .NET


true CharSet CharSet.Auto private static extern int OpenProcessToken int ProcessHandle int DesiredAccess out IntPtr tokenhandle DllImport.. SetTimeZoneInformation will fail IntPtr token int retval OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES TOKEN_QUERY out token.. TOKEN_QUERY out token Assert.IsTrue retval 0 String.Format OpenProcessToken failed. GetLastError 0 Marshal.GetLastWin32Error LUID luid new..