

c# Programming Glossary: permalink

deserializing JSON to .net object using NewtonSoft (or linq to json maybe?)


1 total_pages 8 total_entries 74 q muse albums name Muse permalink Muse cover_image_url http image.kazaa.com images 69 01672812.. id 93098 artist_nam e Yaron Herman Trio name Muse permalink Muse cover_image_url htt p image.kazaa.com images 54 888880301154.. i d 102702 artist_name u76e7 u5de7 u97f3 name Absolution permalink Absolution cover_image_url http image.kazaa.com images 65 093624873365..

Deserializing JSON when sometimes array and sometimes object


just a simple wall post looks like attachment description permalink http www.facebook.com permalink.php story_fbid 123456789 The.. attachment description permalink http www.facebook.com permalink.php story_fbid 123456789 The JSON returned for a photo looks.. images icons mobile_app.gif fb_object_type permalink http www.facebook.com 1234 Here is the class I am deserializing..