

c# Programming Glossary: pwd

How to login to wordpress programmatically?


windows 1251 utf 8 q 0.7 q 0.7 string user test string pwd test request.Credentials new NetworkCredential user pwd string.. pwd test request.Credentials new NetworkCredential user pwd string data string.Format log 0 pwd 1 wp submit 2 testcookie.. user pwd string data string.Format log 0 pwd 1 wp submit 2 testcookie 1 redirect_to 3 user pwd System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode..

Writing driver class generic for any database support


Driver MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver server uid database port pwd 2 oracle Driver Microsoft ODBC for Oracle server uid database.. Driver Microsoft ODBC for Oracle server uid database port pwd 3 Db2 Driver IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER server uid database port pwd.. 3 Db2 Driver IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER server uid database port pwd now my question is is it possible to write generic class for..

LDAP Authentication in ASP.Net MVC


Secure connectionUsername domainuser connectionPassword pwd attributeMapUsername sAMAccountName enableSearchMethods false.. membership The connection protection user name and pwd are for the account that has access to query AD on behalf of..

When using Trusted_Connection=true and SQL Server authentication, will this effect performance?


yourservername database yourdatabase user id YourUser pwd TopSecret Only in this case the SQL Server authentication mode..

Hash and salt passwords in C#


buff private static string CreatePasswordHash string pwd string salt string saltAndPwd String.Concat pwd salt string.. string pwd string salt string saltAndPwd String.Concat pwd salt string hashedPwd FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile..

How to execute process on remote machine, in c#


MyUserName SecureString sec new SecureString string pwd MyPassword foreach char item in pwd sec.AppendChar item sec.MakeReadOnly.. SecureString string pwd MyPassword foreach char item in pwd sec.AppendChar item sec.MakeReadOnly startInfo.Password..

C# WebRequest using Cookies


paramaters authmethod on chkRememberMe on login form type pwd password pw.Text userid uid.Text username uid.Text string strResponse..

C#/SQL - What's wrong with SqlDbType.Xml in procedures?


string connString server local database IntroDB UID sa PWD pwd SqlConnection conn new SqlConnection connString SqlCommand cmd..

Copy file to remote computer using remote admin credentials


file... If LogonUser Local Admin name Local computer name pwd 9 0 admin_token 0 Then wid_admin New WindowsIdentity admin_token..

“The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.” using Gmail SMTP server


String fromaddress String fromname String subject String pwd String attachements String mailmessage String htmlmessage Int32..