

c# Programming Glossary: python.createengine

Script arguments and Embedded IronPython


script by using set up iron python runtime engine _engine Python.CreateEngine _runtime _engine.Runtime _scope _engine.CreateScope run script.. string object options Arguments new foo bar _engine Python.CreateEngine options Now sys.argv will contain foo bar . You can set options..

IronPython - Load script from string in C# 4.0 application


I have the following code just a test var engine Python.CreateEngine var runtime engine.Runtime try dynamic test runtime.UseFile.. world r n string code sb.ToString ScriptEngine engine Python.CreateEngine ScriptSource source engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString code..

How can I redirect the stdout of ironpython in C#?


@ import sys sys.stdout my.write print 'ABC' var engine Python.CreateEngine var scope engine.CreateScope var sourceCode engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString..

Instantiating a python class in C#


your pre .NET 4.0 C# code like this ScriptEngine engine Python.CreateEngine ScriptSource source engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile Calculator.py.. much easier with the new dynamic type. ScriptEngine engine Python.CreateEngine ScriptSource source engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile Calculator.py..