

c# Programming Glossary: readbuffer

How to convert an Stream into a byte[] in C#?


stream.Position stream.Position 0 try byte readBuffer new byte 4096 int totalBytesRead 0 int bytesRead while bytesRead.. totalBytesRead 0 int bytesRead while bytesRead stream.Read readBuffer totalBytesRead readBuffer.Length totalBytesRead 0 totalBytesRead.. while bytesRead stream.Read readBuffer totalBytesRead readBuffer.Length totalBytesRead 0 totalBytesRead bytesRead if totalBytesRead..

Read binary file into a struct


aStruct int count Marshal.SizeOf typeof StructType byte readBuffer new byte count BinaryReader reader new BinaryReader stream readBuffer.. new byte count BinaryReader reader new BinaryReader stream readBuffer reader.ReadBytes count GCHandle handle GCHandle.Alloc readBuffer.. reader.ReadBytes count GCHandle handle GCHandle.Alloc readBuffer GCHandleType.Pinned aStruct StructType Marshal.PtrToStructure..

C# Networking : Server hangs after receiving more than 65535 bytes


t.Start public void run bool continueRead true byte readBuffer new byte 32768 byte receivedBuffer null int nbrBytesRead 0 int.. try nbrBytesRead 0 nbrBytesRead stream.Read readBuffer 0 10000 receivedBuffer new byte nbrBytesRead catch Exception.. continueRead false if nbrBytesRead 0 try Array.Copy readBuffer 0 receivedBuffer receivedBufferPos nbrBytesRead catch Exception..

Difference between NetworkStream.Read() and NetworkStream.BeginRead()?


but continue blocking the thread using a WaitHandle byte readBuffer new byte 32 var asyncReader stream.BeginRead readBuffer 0 readBuffer.Length.. readBuffer new byte 32 var asyncReader stream.BeginRead readBuffer 0 readBuffer.Length null null WaitHandle handle asyncReader.AsyncWaitHandle.. new byte 32 var asyncReader stream.BeginRead readBuffer 0 readBuffer.Length null null WaitHandle handle asyncReader.AsyncWaitHandle..