

c# Programming Glossary: recipes

Entity Framework code first many-to-many mapping table


classes EF would create a mapping table such as MembersRecipes and the primary key from each class would link to this table... when I do the below I instead get a new field in the Recipes table called Member_Id and a Recipe_Id in the Members table... but not a many to many so I could have Member 3 linked to Recipes 4 5 6 and Recipe 4 linked to Members 1 2 3 etc. Is there a way..

SQL Server: Dynamic where-clause


recipes against multiple ingredients. For instance SELECT Recipes using flower salt would produce Pizza Bread Saltwater and so.. Ingredients IngredientsID INT PK IngredientsName VARCHAR Recipes RecipesID INT PK RecipesName VARCHAR IngredientsRecipes IngredientsRecipesID.. IngredientsID INT PK IngredientsName VARCHAR Recipes RecipesID INT PK RecipesName VARCHAR IngredientsRecipes IngredientsRecipesID..

Which C# 4.0 Book would you purchase, and why? [closed]


decided to purchase both books along with Visual C# 2010 Recipes A Problem Solution Approach as suggested by Waleed Al Balooshi.. but I like the A Problem Solution Series Visual C# 2010 Recipes A Problem Solution Approach Not Out Yet I would wait till the..

Parse JSON in C#


Dairy Association u0026#39 s official site includes recipes and information on nutrition and storage of u003cb u003echeese..

Getting all the combinations in an array


SQL Server: Dynamic where-clause


clause Problem Ajax suggest search on n ingredients in recipes. That is match recipes against multiple ingredients. For instance.. suggest search on n ingredients in recipes. That is match recipes against multiple ingredients. For instance SELECT Recipes using..

How to find difference between two strings?


Is there a CSS parser for C#? [closed]


Need to perform Wildcard (*,?, etc) search on a string using Regex


question It's not hard. From http www.codeproject.com KB recipes wildcardtoregex.aspx public static string WildcardToRegex string..