

c# Programming Glossary: rva

Why Enum's HasFlag method need boxing?


static void Main string args cil managed Method begins at RVA 0x2050 Code size 28 0x1c .maxstack 2 .entrypoint .locals init.. static void Main string args cil managed Method begins at RVA 0x2050 Code size 17 0x11 .maxstack 1 .entrypoint .locals init..

Generate tail call opcode


int32 Fib int32 i int32 acc cil managed Method Start RVA 0x205e Code Size 17 0x11 .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 brtrue.s.. int32 Fib int32 i int32 acc cil managed Method Start RVA 0x3bfe Code Size 17 0x11 .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 brtrue.s.. int32 fibb int32 i int32 acc cil managed Method Start RVA 0x2068 Code Size 18 0x12 .custom instance void FSharp.Core Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilationArgumentCountsAttribute..

Reference a GNU C (POSIX) DLL built in GCC against Cygwin, from C#/NET


base 1 number of functions 1 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 1 0 000010F0 hello Summary 1000 .bss 1000 .data 1000 .debug_abbrev..

How to determine whether a DLL is a managed assembly or native (prevent loading a native dll)?


ushort dataDictionaryStart uint dataDictionaryRVA new uint 16 uint dataDictionarySize new uint 16 Stream fs new.. directory is of 8 bytes. In this 8 bytes 4 bytes is of RVA and 4 bytes of Size. btw the 15th directory consist of CLR header.. dataDictionaryStart for int i 0 i 15 i dataDictionaryRVA i reader.ReadUInt32 dataDictionarySize i reader.ReadUInt32 fs.Close..