

c# Programming Glossary: rx

REST WCF service locks thread when called using AJAX in an ASP.Net site


ConcurrencyMode.Multiple Also I removed the use of Rx now I am just simulating long process operations like this Thread.Sleep..

How to expose IObservable<T> properties without using Subject<T> backing field


would have probably been .NET events in the days before Rx. e.g. instead of something like public class Thing public event.. events in my interfaces even when they'll be consumed by Rx code so probably FromEventPattern Also a bit more details on.. I'm talking about using Subject T as a way to get from non Rx code maybe you're working with some other legacy code into the..

Good introduction to the .NET Reactive Framework [closed]


a good introduction and tutorial to the Microsoft Reactive Rx framework Also what is a good example with code that Reactive.. demonstrating how to use different features of the .NET Rx framework http rxwiki.wikidot.com 101samples I found this to..

Weak event handler model for use with lambdas


Campbell Egor and also one last tip from the ' IObservable Rx Reactive framework ' I think I've worked out a workable solution.. problem. It may be completely superseded by IObservable Rx Reactive framework but only experience will show that. I've.. e s.DoSomething e See note below This is a workaround from Rx it is important to avoid invoking the subscriber object directly..

Good example of Reactive Extensions Use [closed]


Reactive Extensions Use closed I understand the basics of Rx. Where I'm struggling is how you would actually use this beyond.. What are some common simple real world scenarios where Rx is a much better solution than what we have today in .NET c#..

Refactoring Singleton Overuse


or IObservable it's part of the Reactive Framework Rx . Another approach is using a ThreadPool to schedule your polling..

Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx): Take action once all events are completed


Extensions for .NET Rx Take action once all events are completed As a proof of concept..

Rx IObservable buffering to smooth out bursts of events


IObservable buffering to smooth out bursts of events I have.. IObservable T src TimeSpan minDelay PS. I'm brand new to Rx so my apologies if this is a trivially simple question... 1...

How to rethrow the inner exception of a TargetInvocationException without losing the stack trace


.Invoke ex new object 0 throw ex This technique is used by Rx and is exposed by them as an extension method Exception.PrepareForRethrow..

MVVM Light + Unity or Prism?


brain melter but if you learn Reactive Extensions for .NET Rx this framework is simply amazing... magical in my opinion. If..

Does reactive extensions support rolling buffers?


around and haven't been able to find anything like this in Rx Can anyone confirm deny this c# .net buffer system.reactive..

Is Async await keyword equivalent to a ContinueWith lambda?


WinRT asynchronous APIs some special methods such as Yield Rx observables and special socket awaitables that don't hit the..

How do convert unicode escape sequences to unicode characters in a .NET string


up to at least severl thousand characters. Example 1 Regex rx new Regex @ uU 0 9A F 4 result rxx.Replace result match char.. Example 1 Regex rx new Regex @ uU 0 9A F 4 result rxx.Replace result match char Int32.Parse match.Value.Substring.. 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber .ToString Example 2 Regex rx new Regex @ uU 0 9A F 4 result rx.Replace result delegate Match..

What is a regular expression for parsing out individual sentences?


Numbers should not cause sentence breaks like 1.23. Regex rx new Regex @ S. . s foreach Match match in rx.Matches str int.. 1.23. Regex rx new Regex @ S. . s foreach Match match in rx.Matches str int i match.Index Console.WriteLine match.Value..

Store a reference to a value type?


setter value ... Ref string M string x hello Ref string rx new Ref string x v x v rx.Value goodbye Console.WriteLine x.. M string x hello Ref string rx new Ref string x v x v rx.Value goodbye Console.WriteLine x goodbye return rx The outer.. v x v rx.Value goodbye Console.WriteLine x goodbye return rx The outer local variable x will stay alive at least until rx..

using static Regex.IsMatch vs creating an instance of Regex


0 seconds. sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds sw.Reset sw.Start Regex rx new Regex pattern for int i 0 i count i rx.IsMatch input Console.WriteLine.. sw.Start Regex rx new Regex pattern for int i 0 i count i rx.IsMatch input Console.WriteLine instance took 0 seconds. sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.. took 0 seconds. sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds sw.Reset sw.Start rx new Regex pattern RegexOptions.Compiled for int i 0 i count..

Using RegEx to balance match parenthesis


improve this question Using balanced groups it is Regex rx new Regex @ func a zA Z_ a zA Z0 9_ BR BR ^ var match rx.Match.. rx new Regex @ func a zA Z_ a zA Z0 9_ BR BR ^ var match rx.Match funcPow 3 2 9 1 var str match.Value funcPow 3 2 BR BR..