

c# Programming Glossary: s.length

How can I generate random 8 character, alphanumeric strings in C#?


string Enumerable.Repeat chars 8 .Select s s random.Next s.Length .ToArray Note The use of the Random class makes this unsuitable..

C# object dumper


private void Write string s if s null writer.Write s pos s.Length private void WriteIndent for int i 0 i level i writer.Write..

Creating a byte array from a stream


b using BinaryReader br new BinaryReader s b br.ReadBytes s.Length Is it still a better idea to read and write chunks of the stream.. It really depends on whether or not you can trust s.Length . For many streams you just don't know how much data there will..

Comparing strings with tolerance [closed]


summary public static int Compute string s string t int n s.Length int m t.Length int d new int n 1 m 1 Step 1 if n 0 return m..

Find Nth occurrence of a character in a string


string s char t int n int count 0 for int i 0 i s.Length i if s i t count if count n return i return 1 That could..

How to detect whether a character belongs to a Right To Left language?


void IsAnyCharacterRightToLeft string s for var i 0 i s.Length i char.IsSurrogatePair s i 2 1 var codepoint char.ConvertToUtf32..

Is it possible to assign a base class object to a derived class reference with an explicit typecast in C#?


For example object o new object string s string o int i s.Length What can this sensibly do If you want to be able to convert..

Combination Generator in Linq


String s var combinations new string PossibleCombinations s.Length int n PossibleCombinations s.Length 1 for int i 0 i s.Length.. PossibleCombinations s.Length int n PossibleCombinations s.Length 1 for int i 0 i s.Length i String sub String subs if i 0 sub.. int n PossibleCombinations s.Length 1 for int i 0 i s.Length i String sub String subs if i 0 sub s.Substring 1 Get the..

Escape Quote in C# for javascript consumption


s dr.Table.Columns i .ToString dr i .ToString s s.Remove s.Length 1 1 s s s.Remove s.Length 1 1 s return s The problem is that.. dr i .ToString s s.Remove s.Length 1 1 s s s.Remove s.Length 1 1 s return s The problem is that sometimes the data returned..

What's the difference between dynamic(C# 4) and var?


following are 100 identical var s abc Console.WriteLine s.Length and string s abc Console.WriteLine s.Length All that happened.. s.Length and string s abc Console.WriteLine s.Length All that happened was that the compiler figured out that s must.. the initializer . In both cases it knows in the IL that s.Length means the instance string.Length property. dynamic is a very..