

c# Programming Glossary: sp.children.add

Why can't I access a TextBox by Name with FindName()?


new TextBox textBox.Name FirstName textBox.Text test sp.Children.Add textBlock sp.Children.Add textBox FormBase.Children.Add sp .. FirstName textBox.Text test sp.Children.Add textBlock sp.Children.Add textBox FormBase.Children.Add sp private void Button_Click..

How can I get a FlowDocument Hyperlink to launch browser and go to URL in a WPF app?


TextBlock tb new TextBlock tb.Text this is textblock text sp.Children.Add tb sp.Children.Add fdsv MainArea.Content sp c# wpf hyperlink.. tb.Text this is textblock text sp.Children.Add tb sp.Children.Add fdsv MainArea.Content sp c# wpf hyperlink flowdocument ..

How do I build a DataTemplate in c# code?


cardHolder.SetBinding TextBlock.TextProperty BillToName sp.Children.Add cardHolder TextBlock cardNumber new TextBlock ToolTip Credit.. cardNumber.SetBinding TextBlock.TextProperty SafeNumber sp.Children.Add cardNumber TextBlock notes new TextBlock ToolTip Notes notes.SetBinding.. Notes notes.SetBinding TextBlock.TextProperty Notes sp.Children.Add notes cardLayout.Resources.Add sp null drpCreditCardNumberWpf.ItemTemplate..