

c# Programming Glossary: spname

Code-First Entity Framework w/ Stored Procedure returning results from complex Full-text Searches


database IStoredProcedure TResult procedure string spName var parameters CreateSqlParametersFromProperties procedure var.. procedure var format CreateSPCommand TResult parameters spName return database.SqlQuery TResult format parameters.Cast object.. TResult List SqlParameter parameters string spName var name typeof TResult .Name string queryString string.Format..

LinqDataSource: Filtering and binding to gridview


dc conn.GetContext var loadAll from spName in dc.spReporter select spName List Reporter reporterList.. var loadAll from spName in dc.spReporter select spName List Reporter reporterList new List Reporter foreach var item.. MyDataContextDataContext dc conn.GetContext return from spName in dc.spReporter select new Reporter spName.Id spName.InqDate..

C#: Pass a user-defined type to a Oracle stored procedure


IDataReader ExecuteReader OracleConnection conn string spName out List OracleParameter outParameters params object parameters.. public static int ExecuteProcedure string spName out OutputParameters outputParameters params object parameters.. conn.Open OracleCommand command new OracleCommand spName conn command.CommandType CommandType.StoredProcedure command.Parameters.AddRange..