

c# Programming Glossary: sw.elapsedmilliseconds

Are Timers and Loops in .Net accurate?


sw.Start this.Cursor Cursors.WaitCursor while true if sw.ElapsedMilliseconds 1000 i else break sw.Stop this.Cursor Cursors.Default..

How performant is StackFrame?


Tracing Disabled passing Method Name 0 ms sw.ElapsedMilliseconds call 100K times tracing enabled passing method name sw Stopwatch.StartNew.. Console.WriteLine Tracing Enabled passing Method Name 0 ms sw.ElapsedMilliseconds call 100K times tracing disabled determining method name sw.. Tracing Disabled looking up Method Name 0 ms sw.ElapsedMilliseconds call 100K times tracing enabled determining method name sw Stopwatch.StartNew..

How can I obtain all the possible combination of a subset?


foreach var ss in fxn count ss.Sum return sw.ElapsedMilliseconds OUTPUT 1281 1604 _Jodrell not _Jodrell2 6817 Jodrell's Update..

FindAll vs Where extension-method


Performance surprise with “as” and nullable types


o sum x sw.Stop Console.WriteLine Cast 0 1 sum long sw.ElapsedMilliseconds static void FindSumWithAs object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew.. sum x.Value sw.Stop Console.WriteLine As 0 1 sum long sw.ElapsedMilliseconds static void FindSumWithLinq object values Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew.. int .Sum sw.Stop Console.WriteLine LINQ 0 1 sum long sw.ElapsedMilliseconds c# performance clr nullable unboxing share improve this..

Performance of calling delegates vs methods


i x ifoo.Foo x sw.Stop Console.WriteLine Interface 0 sw.ElapsedMilliseconds x 3 sw Stopwatch.StartNew for int i 0 i Iterations i x del.. i x del x sw.Stop Console.WriteLine Delegate 0 sw.ElapsedMilliseconds Results .NET 3.5 .NET 4.0b2 is about the same Interface 5068..

Wrapping StopWatch timing with a delegate or lambda?


for int i 0 i 1000 i b DoStuff s sw.Stop Console.WriteLine sw.ElapsedMilliseconds Surely there's a way to call this bit of timing code as a fancy.. for int i 0 i iterations i action sw.Stop return sw.ElapsedMilliseconds Then call it like this var s new Stopwatch Console.WriteLine..

How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET?


src del sw.Stop var res new Result funcId srcID delimID sw.ElapsedMilliseconds list results.Add res res.Print As you can see it was really..

Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR


sw.Stop Console.WriteLine Is and Cast 0 1 len long sw.ElapsedMilliseconds static void FindLengthWithIsAndAs object values Stopwatch sw.. sw.Stop Console.WriteLine Is and As 0 1 len long sw.ElapsedMilliseconds static void FindLengthWithAsAndNullCheck object values Stopwatch.. sw.Stop Console.WriteLine As and null check 0 1 len long sw.ElapsedMilliseconds On my laptop these all execute in about 60ms. Two things to..

Optimizing Lookups: Dictionary key lookups vs. Array index lookups


sw.Stop Console.WriteLine time for dictionary lookups 0 ms sw.ElapsedMilliseconds sw.Reset sw.Start for int card1 0 card1 46 card1 for int card2.. Console.WriteLine time for array index lookups 0 ms sw.ElapsedMilliseconds which outputs time for dictionary lookups 2532 ms time for array..