

c# Programming Glossary: system.drawing.point

How to use filegroupdescriptor to drag file to explorer c#


public Guid clsid public System.Drawing.Size sizel public System.Drawing.Point pointl public UInt32 dwFileAttributes public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME..

A PictureBox Problem


pictureBox1 this.pictureBox1.Location new System.Drawing.Point 0 0 this.pictureBox1.Name pictureBox1 this.pictureBox1.Size..

Winform - determine if mouse has left user control


ms thw.Close thw null loc X 275 Y 3 System.Drawing.Point p X 808 Y 908 System.Drawing.Point p X 808 Y 908 System.Drawing.Point.. thw null loc X 275 Y 3 System.Drawing.Point p X 808 Y 908 System.Drawing.Point p X 808 Y 908 System.Drawing.Point p2 X 545 Y 1542 System.Drawing.Point.. p X 808 Y 908 System.Drawing.Point p X 808 Y 908 System.Drawing.Point p2 X 545 Y 1542 System.Drawing.Point ms X 574 Y 914 System.Drawing.Point..

How to get the word under the cursor in Windows?


as demonstrated here. static void Main string args do System.Drawing.Point mouse System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position use Windows forms..

Sample using MSCHART in C#


this.chart1.Legends.Add legend1 this.chart1.Location new System.Drawing.Point 16 32 this.chart1.Name chart1 series1.BorderColor System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb.. byte 0 this.labelSampleComment.Location new System.Drawing.Point 16 0 this.labelSampleComment.Name labelSampleComment this.labelSampleComment.Size.. this.label1 this.panel1.Location new System.Drawing.Point 432 40 this.panel1.Name panel1 this.panel1.Size new System.Drawing.Size..

Adding Text to DataGridView Row Header


this.dataGridView1.Location new System.Drawing.Point 0 0 this.dataGridView1.Name dataGridView1 this.dataGridView1.RowHeadersWidth..