

c# Programming Glossary: system.int32

How do arrays in C# partially implement IList<T>?


System.Collections.Generic.IList`1 System.Int32 System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1 System.Int32 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1.. System.Int32 System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1 System.Int32 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 System.Int32 For single.. System.Int32 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 System.Int32 For single dimensional zero based arrays as far as the language..

What is the difference between bool and Boolean types in C#


is an alias for System.Boolean just as int is an alias for System.Int32 . See a full list of aliases here . share improve this answer..

Overhead of a .NET array?


System.Object y 0x1f228dc System.String z 0x1f228f0 System.Int32 Memory 0x1f228c4 00000000 003284dc 00000001 00326d54 00000000..

If Int32 is just an alias for int, how can the Int32 class use an int?


i But in this case the compiler knows ahead of time that System.Int32 is four bytes because it is a very special type. Incidentally..

C# int, Int32 and enums


hovering the cursor over the int word will display struct System.Int32 c# .net enums int int32 share improve this question The.. C# specification defines the int keyword as explicit alias System.Int32 it's still a problem to get this information about the explicit..

String vs string in C# [duplicate]


. So technically there is no difference. It's like int vs. System.Int32 . As far as guidelines I think it's generally recommended to..

What exactly is an “open generic type” in .NET? [duplicate]


snippet it'll print out System.Collections.Generic.List`1 System.Int32 which is the CLR name for List int . It's clear at runtime that.. List int . It's clear at runtime that the type argument is System.Int32 . This makes List T a bound open type. At runtime you can use..

Reflection - Getting the generic parameters from a System.Type instance


C# reflection and finding all references


System.String value System.Console.Write System.Int32 value System.DateTime.get_Now System.Console.WriteLine System.Object..

What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#?


type is an object. In C# the 'int' type is the same as System.Int32 and is a value type ie more like the java 'int' . An integer..

sizeof(int) on x64?


Why GetType returns System.Int32 instead of Nullable<Int32>?


GetType returns System.Int32 instead of Nullable Int32 Why is the output of this snippet.. of Nullable Int32 Why is the output of this snippet System.Int32 instead of Nullable int x 5 Console.WriteLine x.GetType c#.. ldloca.s 00 IL_0002 ldc.i4.5 IL_0003 call System.Nullable System.Int32 ..ctor Console.WriteLine x.GetType IL_0008 ldloc.0 IL_0009 box..

Linq query with nullable sum


The null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Int32 which is a non nullable value type. I assume its because sum..

What's the difference between String and string?


. So technically there is no difference. It's like int vs. System.Int32 . As far as guidelines I think it's generally recommended to..