

c# Programming Glossary: wineventdelegate

Detect active window changed using C# without polling


to your usings ... public Form1 InitializeComponent WinEventDelegate dele new WinEventDelegate WinEventProc IntPtr m_hhook SetWinEventHook.. Form1 InitializeComponent WinEventDelegate dele new WinEventDelegate WinEventProc IntPtr m_hhook SetWinEventHook EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND.. IntPtr.Zero dele 0 0 WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT delegate void WinEventDelegate IntPtr hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject..

asynchronously GetForegroundWindow via SendMessage or something?


Delegate and imports from pinvoke.net delegate void WinEventDelegate IntPtr hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject.. uint eventMin uint eventMax IntPtr hmodWinEventProc WinEventDelegate lpfnWinEventProc uint idProcess uint idThread uint dwFlags DllImport.. it in a class field is simplest way to do this. static WinEventDelegate procDelegate new WinEventDelegate WinEventProc public static..

Setting up Hook on Windows messages


class NameChangeTracker delegate void WinEventDelegate IntPtr hWinEventHook uint eventType IntPtr hwnd int idObject.. uint eventMin uint eventMax IntPtr hmodWinEventProc WinEventDelegate lpfnWinEventProc uint idProcess uint idThread uint dwFlags DllImport.. it in a class field is simplest way to do this. static WinEventDelegate procDelegate new WinEventDelegate WinEventProc public static..