

c# Programming Glossary: worker.runworkerasync

Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker


null MessageBox.Show There was an error e.Error.ToString worker.RunWorkerAsync My psychic debugging skills are revealing your problem to me.. can check for errors using e.Error. var result e.Result worker.RunWorkerAsync Here's a proper implementation of the RunWorkerCompleted event..

Winforms Progress bar Does Not Update (C#)


btn.Enabled true void btn_Click object sender EventArgs e worker.RunWorkerAsync btn.Enabled false void worker_DoWork object sender DoWorkEventArgs..

How to wait for a BackgroundWorker to cancel?


worker new BackgroundWorker worker.DoWork MyWork worker.RunWorkerAsync WaitForWorkerToFinish worker That is not it that is not what..

Asynchronous WPF Commands


worker.RunWorkerCompleted sender e onRunWorkerCompleted e worker.RunWorkerAsync parameter catch Exception ex onRunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs..

Proper way to Dispose of a BackGroundWorker


worker.DoWork new DoWorkEventHandler worker_DoWork worker.RunWorkerAsync dumpDate void worker_DoWork object sender DoWorkEventArgs e..

Sending Arguments To Background Worker?


object sender DoWorkEventArgs e I know when this is worker.RunWorkerAsync I don't understand how to define in worker_DoWork that it should..

How to use WPF Background Worker


complete his work 4.Run worker async whenever your need. worker.RunWorkerAsync Also if you want to report process progress you should subscribe..

Display “Wait” screen in WPF


DoWork worker.RunWorkerCompleted WorkerCompleted worker.RunWorkerAsync You can then look at the ProgressChanged event to display a..

Delegating a task in and getting notified when it completes (in C#)


new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler SomeOtherMethod worker.RunWorkerAsync You can also add fancy stuff like cancellation and progress..

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it


worker_RunWorkerCompleted worker.RunWorkerAsync private void worker_DoWork object sender System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs..