

c# Programming Glossary: worker.runworkercompleted

Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker


sender e throw new InvalidOperationException oh shiznit worker.RunWorkerCompleted sender e if e.Error null MessageBox.Show There was an error.. sender e throw new InvalidOperationException oh shiznit worker.RunWorkerCompleted sender e OH NOOOOOOOES Runtime exception you can't access e.Result..

Winforms Progress bar Does Not Update (C#)


worker_ProgressChanged worker.DoWork worker_DoWork worker.RunWorkerCompleted worker_RunWorkerCompleted list new ListView list.Dock DockStyle.Fill..

Asynchronous WPF Commands


worker.DoWork sender e OnExecute e.Argument worker.RunWorkerCompleted sender e onRunWorkerCompleted e worker.RunWorkerAsync parameter..

Proper way to Dispose of a BackGroundWorker


dumpDate BackgroundWorker worker new BackgroundWorker worker.RunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler worker_RunWorkerCompleted.. e BackgroundWorker worker sender as BackgroundWorker worker.RunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler worker_RunWorkerCompleted..

How to use WPF Background Worker


2.Subscribe to events worker.DoWork worker_DoWork worker.RunWorkerCompleted worker_RunWorkerCompleted 3.Implement two methods private void..

Display “Wait” screen in WPF


worker new BackgroundWorker worker.DoWork DoWork worker.RunWorkerCompleted WorkerCompleted worker.RunWorkerAsync You can then look at the..

Delegating a task in and getting notified when it completes (in C#)


worker.DoWork delegate myBClass.DoHardWork worker.RunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler SomeOtherMethod worker.RunWorkerAsync..

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it


true worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation true worker.RunWorkerCompleted new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler worker_RunWorkerCompleted..