

c# Programming Glossary: www.domain.com

How do I route images using ASP.Net MVC routing?


requests. I need to redirect incoming requests for http www.domain.com graphics image.png to http www.domain.com content images image.png.. for http www.domain.com graphics image.png to http www.domain.com content images image.png . What is the correct syntax when using..

How to get IMG tag's source from given HTML string using c#


ut aliquip ex p img class classname alt alttext src http www.domain.com uploads myimage.jpg width 612 height 612 p Going by the Itinerary.. the 22nd May. p img class classname alt alttext src http www.domain.com uploads myimage1.jpg width 612 height 612 As you can see that.. I want to get the first image tag's source for eg http www.domain.com uploads myimage.jpg can anyone suggest me how can get this text..

Response.Redirect strips Header Referrer - Possible to Add it Back?


add the headers back I've tried Response.AddHeader Referer www.domain.com But the receiving page tests false when i check if the Referrer..

query string parameter obfuscation


like Here is an example of what i want to achieve www.domain.com id 1844 to www.domain.com id 3GQ5DTL3oVd91WsGj74gcQ The obfuscated.. of what i want to achieve www.domain.com id 1844 to www.domain.com id 3GQ5DTL3oVd91WsGj74gcQ The obfuscated param should only include..

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback question


request HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create https www.domain.com request.Method POST request.ContentType application x www form..

C# parse XML File


updated 2011 01 01T00 00 00 0100 updated link href http www.domain.com rel self author name Mr X name email Mr_X@domain.com email author.. updated 2011 01 01T00 00 00 0100 updated link href http www.domain.com rel self author name Mr X name email Mr_X@domain.com email author..