

c# Programming Glossary: www.example.com

Easiest way to read from a URL into a string in .NET


a URL into a string in .NET Given a URL in a string http www.example.com test.xml What's the easiest most succinct way to download the.. at the moment is WebRequest request WebRequest.Create http www.example.com test.xml WebResponse response request.GetResponse Stream dataStream.. one line string responseFromServer .GetStringFromUrl http www.example.com test.xml Note I know I can wrap it I just thing there's probably..

How do you parse an HTML string for image tags to get at the SRC information?


request HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create http www.example.com request.Credentials System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials..

Webbrowser behaviour issues


handler this.wb.DocumentCompleted handler Navigate to http www.example.com i 1 documentComplete false onloadTcs new TaskCompletionSource.. new TaskCompletionSource bool this.wb.Navigate http www.example.com i 1 await onloadTcs.Task the document has been fully loaded.. handler this.wb.DocumentCompleted handler Navigate to http www.example.com i 1 documentComplete false onloadTcs new TaskCompletionSource..

Image Uploading - security issues


your main site should be accessible only through www.example.com and not example.com . Otherwise content injected into images.example.com.. for example.com in IE. example.com should 301 redirect to www.example.com to prevent unwanted cookie leakage in general. Add the header..

Tutorial: Simple WCF XML-RPC client


ChannelFactory IServiceContract new WebHttpBinding http www.example.com xmlrpc cf.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add new XmlRpcEndpointBehavior..

Download image from the site in .NET/C#


WebClient client new WebClient client.DownloadFile http www.example.com image.jpg localFilename Update Since you will want to check..

Get url without querystring


url without querystring I have a URL like this http www.example.com mypage.aspx myvalue1 hello myvalue2 goodbye I want to get http.. myvalue1 hello myvalue2 goodbye I want to get http www.example.com mypage.aspx from it. Can you tell me how can I get it c# asp.net.. question You can use System.Uri Uri url new Uri http www.example.com mypage.aspx myvalue1 hello myvalue2 goodbye string path String.Format..

How to get *internet* IP?


tracert.exe startInfo.Arguments h 1 www.example.com startInfo.UseShellExecute false startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput.. for ipBytes 2 gatewayBytes 2 . Edit History Updated to use www.example.com . Updated to include getInternetIPAddress to show how to use.. Cited Brian Rasmussen's comment. Updated to use the IP for www.example.com so that it works even when the DNS server is down. share improve..

Get url parameters from a string in .NET


that returns NameValueCollection. Uri myUri new Uri http www.example.com param1 good param2 bad string param1 HttpUtility.ParseQueryString..

WebClient class doesn't exist in Windows 8


HttpResponseMessage response await http.GetAsync http www.example.com return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync Option 2 When..