

c++ Programming Glossary: and_

How to calculate boolean expression in Spirit


base_type expr_ using namespace qi expr_ or_.alias or_ and_ ' ' or_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_.. or_ and_ ' ' or_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_ ' ' and_ _val phx construct binop op_and.. ' ' or_ _val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_ ' ' and_ _val phx construct binop op_and _1 _2 not_ _val..

How to allow templated functor work on both member and non-member functions


Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++


_val phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 xor_ _val _1 xor_ and_ xor and_ _val phx construct binop op_xor _1 _2 and_ _val _1.. phx construct binop op_or _1 _2 xor_ _val _1 xor_ and_ xor and_ _val phx construct binop op_xor _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_.. xor_ and_ xor and_ _val phx construct binop op_xor _1 _2 and_ _val _1 and_ not_ and not_ _val phx construct binop op_and _1..