

c++ Programming Glossary: arpa

C++ struct alignment question


stdint.h #include string.h #include stdio.h #include arpa inet.h struct packed_with_bit_fields ONLY FOR COMPARISON unsigned..

crosses initialization of ?˜std::istringstream iss??when using inside while loop [closed]


in.h #include resolv.h #include sys socket.h #include arpa inet.h #include fcntl.h #include string.h #include stdlib.h..

Getting segfault due to string data type variable in PROTOBUF server and clent communcation through sockets on recv end in cpp


netinet in.h #include strings.h #include string.h #include arpa inet.h #include example.pb.h #include example.pb.cc int main.. netinet in.h #include strings.h #include string.h #include arpa inet.h #include example.pb.h #include example.pb.cc int main..

Can you help me get my head around openssl public key encryption with rsa.h in c++?


#include openssl rsa.h #include openssl err.h #include arpa inet.h For htonl int do_evp_seal FILE rsa_pkey_file FILE in_file.. #include openssl rsa.h #include openssl err.h #include arpa inet.h For htonl int do_evp_unseal FILE rsa_pkey_file FILE in_file..

Get the IP address of the machine


ifaddrs.h #include netinet in.h #include string.h #include arpa inet.h int main int argc const char argv struct ifaddrs ifAddrStruct..

Obtaining local IP address using getaddrinfo() C function?


#include sys socket.h #include netinet in.h #include arpa inet.h #include net if.h #include ifaddrs.h #include errno.h..

C++ DGRAM socket get the RECEIVER address


headers 2.6.32 21 include linux netfilter_ipv4.h #include arpa inet.h #include linux netfilter.h Using netfilter_ipv4 gives..

Is this a legitimate C++ code? [closed]


#include netinet in.h #include sys socket.h #include arpa inet.h #define PORT 3490 the port client will be connecting.. socket.h #include netinet in.h #include netdb.h #include arpa inet.h #include sys wait.h #include signal.h #define PORT 3490..