

c++ Programming Glossary: basic_regex

Is std::regex thread safe?


prototype of std regex_search shows that it it takes the basic_regex object as a const argument. This means that it is protected.. such as std regex_search is still undefined behaviour. basic_regex 's assignment operator std swap and basic_regex imbue come to.. behaviour. basic_regex 's assignment operator std swap and basic_regex imbue come to mind as non thread safe functions with respect..

linker error when using tr1::regex


std c 0x MapObject.cpp tmp cce5gojG.o In function std tr1 basic_regex char std tr1 regex_traits char basic_regex char const unsigned.. std tr1 basic_regex char std tr1 regex_traits char basic_regex char const unsigned int ' MapObject.cpp .text._ZNSt3tr111basic_regexIcNS_12regex_traitsIcEEEC1EPKcj.. char const unsigned int ' MapObject.cpp .text._ZNSt3tr111basic_regexIcNS_12regex_traitsIcEEEC1EPKcj std tr1 basic_regex char std..

Is this C++11 regex error me or the compiler?


. a.out 1 According to the C 11 standard 28.8.2 basic_regex uses regex_constants ECMAScript flag by default so it must understand..

Compile std::regex_iterator with gcc


regex_traits char regex_iterator char const char const std basic_regex char std regex_traits char const std bitset 11u ' test.cpp .text..