

c++ Programming Glossary: char_

Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit


using qi on_error using qi lit using qi lexeme using ascii char_ using qi repeat using namespace qi labels using boost phoenix.. phoenix ref using qi space char qq arrow lit open_quote char_ ' '' char_ ' ' ref qq _1 Remember what the opening quote was.. using qi space char qq arrow lit open_quote char_ ' '' char_ ' ' ref qq _1 Remember what the opening quote was close_quote..

Parsing escaped strings with boost spirit


qi. I've been trying this using boost spirit standard char_ using boost spirit standard string using qi lexeme using qi.. escChar text lit Text ' ' content content lexeme char_ lit ' ' ' ' escChar escChar string string string But doesn't.. qi rule IteratorT char escChar text Text content content ~char_ ' ' escChar escChar ' ' char_ i.e. text is Text followed by..

Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found


inifile makenode begin using namespace qi txt_ch lit ' ' char_ char_ eol '#' key raw lexeme txt_ch char_ _val phx bind makenode.. makenode begin using namespace qi txt_ch lit ' ' char_ char_ eol '#' key raw lexeme txt_ch char_ _val phx bind makenode.. txt_ch lit ' ' char_ char_ eol '#' key raw lexeme txt_ch char_ _val phx bind makenode _1 value raw lexeme txt_ch _val phx..

Boost::Spirit Expression Parser


lexeme alpha alnum '_' simple varname number binop simple char_ expr _val phx bind make_binop qi _2 qi _1 qi _3 expr binop simple.. alpha alnum '_' simple varname number expr simple _val _1 char_ expr _val phx bind make_binop qi _1 _val qi _2 eoi As you can.. lexeme alpha alnum '_' simple varname number binop simple char_ expr _val phx bind make_binop qi _1 qi _2 note _2 expr binop..