

c++ Programming Glossary: event.h

error: expected class-name before ?˜{??token


c Wall g DDEBUG Event.cpp o Event.o In file included from Event.h 15 from Event.cpp 8 Landing.h 13 error expected class name.. said that it's a circular include. The 3 header files Event.h Arrival.h Landing.h are as follows the Event.h #ifndef EVENT_H_.. files Event.h Arrival.h Landing.h are as follows the Event.h #ifndef EVENT_H_ #define EVENT_H_ #include common.h #include..

Makefile vpath not working for header files


Event.o Macros.h CC Event.o o test a.out Event.o Event.c Event.h Macros.h CC c o @ The src directory is being included correctly... correctly. i.e Event.c file is found by gcc. But both Event.h and Macros .h are not. I get an errors in gcc saying that both.. in my C file to each of these at a time. #include Event.h doesnt work #include Event.h doesnt work #include .. include..