

c++ Programming Glossary: g2

How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++


int r1 GetRValue top r2 GetRValue bottom g1 GetGValue top g2 GetGValue bottom b1 GetBValue top b2 GetBValue bottom for int.. i r2 r1 item rc.bottom item rc.top g int g1 double i g2 g1 item rc.bottom item rc.top b int b1 double i b2 b1 item..

What does ## mean for the C(C++) preprocessor?


the C C preprocessor i have a c program below #define f g g2 g##g2 main int var12 100 printf d f var 12 when i run just the.. C preprocessor i have a c program below #define f g g2 g##g2 main int var12 100 printf d f var 12 when i run just the preprocessor..

C++0x rvalue references - lvalues-rvalue binding


string overload supplied void g1 const char arg f arg void g2 const std string arg f arg It seems that based on the answers.. 4.3 4.5 but not by MSVC . However GCC and MSVC both reject g2 because of clause 3 which prohibits lvalues from.. char and b the compiler could create a temporary string in g2 as if it were written like this void g2 const std string arg..

Does perfect forwarding in C++0x make reference_wrapper deprecated?


class P void g1 F f P t f t template class F class P void g2 F f P t f forward P t int main int i 0 g1 f ref i old way ugly.. f forward P t int main int i 0 g1 f ref i old way ugly way g2 f i new way elegant way In C 98 we don't have a nice way to..

Omit return type in C++11


auto f T x ... auto y1 f x auto y2 h y1 g1 x auto y3 h y1 g2 x if y1 y3 return h2 y2 y3 Then I have to put something horrible..