

c++ Programming Glossary: handle_accept

Code::Blocks and Boost Asio. It just wont work [closed]


new_session socket boost bind server handle_accept this new_session boost asio placeholders error void handle_accept.. this new_session boost asio placeholders error void handle_accept session_ptr new_session const boost system error_code error.. new_session socket boost bind server handle_accept this new_session boost asio placeholders error private boost..

boost asio io_service.run()


been stopped Notice that you DO install a handler named handle_accept that reinstalls itself at each execution. Hence the io_service.run.. point on you handle the program based on events like the handle_accept instead of normal procedural program flow. The loop you're mentioning..

Should std::bind be compatible with boost::asio?


new_connection socket boost bind tcp_server handle_accept this new_connection boost asio placeholders error If I replace.. new_connection socket std bind tcp_server handle_accept this new_connection boost asio placeholders error std bind.. boost asio placeholders error std bind tcp_server handle_accept this new_connection _1 I get a large error message with ends..