

c++ Programming Glossary: hprocess

C++ Get Username From Process


Username From Process I have a process handle with HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ 0 THE_PROCESS_ID..

Windows Vista/Win7 Privilege Problem: SeDebugPrivilege & OpenProcess


to open processes for int i 0 i pidList.size i HANDLE hProcess NULL hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE pidList i.. for int i 0 i pidList.size i HANDLE hProcess NULL hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE pidList i if hProcess NULL.. hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE pidList i if hProcess NULL Error is occurring here under the given conditions cout..

How to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess?


to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess This simple issue seems to be fraught with side issues. eg... SW_SHOW sei.hInstApp NULL if ShellExecuteEx sei I have sei.hProcess but how best to utilize it from here ... c process window handle.. true .... if ShellExecuteEx sei WaitForInputIdle sei.hProcess INFINITE ProcessWindowsInfo Info GetProcessId sei.hProcess EnumWindows..

How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64


__in DWORD MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread stk __inout LP STACKFRAME64.. __in DWORD MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread stk __inout LP STACKFRAME64..

Prevent user process from being killed with “End Process” from Process Explorer


the answer in code static const bool ProtectProcess HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentProcess EXPLICIT_ACCESS denyAccess 0 DWORD dwAccessPermissions.. NULL pTempDacl check dwErr... dwErr SetSecurityInfo hProcess SE_KERNEL_OBJECT DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION NULL NULL pTempDacl.. NULL check dwErr... LocalFree pTempDacl CloseHandle hProcess return dwErr ERROR_SUCCESS c windows process share improve..

Run-Time Check Failure #0 loading QueryFullProcessImageName from kernel32.dll


WINBASEAPI BOOL LPQueryFullProcessImageName __in HANDLE hProcess __in DWORD dwFlags __out_ecount_part lpdwSize lpdwSize LPSTR.. to typedef BOOL WINAPI LPQueryFullProcessImageName HANDLE hProcess DWORD dwFlags LPSTR lpExeName PDWORD lpdwSize WINBASEAPI is..

How can I get a process handle by its name in C++?


TRUE if stricmp entry.szExeFile target.exe 0 HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do.. FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do stuff.. CloseHandle hProcess CloseHandle snapshot return 0 Also if you'd like to use PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS.. TRUE if stricmp entry.szExeFile target.exe 0 HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do..

How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?


fullPath MAX_PATH s DllToInject.dll dirPath HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD PROCESS_VM_OPERATION PROCESS_VM_WRITE.. LoadLibraryA LPVOID llParam LPVOID VirtualAllocEx hProcess NULL strlen fullPath MEM_RESERVE MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .. MEM_RESERVE MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE WriteProcessMemory hProcess llParam fullPath strlen fullPath NULL CreateRemoteThread hProcess..