

c++ Programming Glossary: hprov

Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi


publicKeyInfo int publicKeyInfoLen HANDLE hFile HCRYPTPROV hProv 0 HCRYPTKEY hKey 0 Read the public key cert from the file hFile.. return 1 Acquire context if CryptAcquireContext hProv NULL NULL PROV_RSA_FULL CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT printf CryptAcquireContext.. public key using the context if CryptImportPublicKeyInfo hProv X509_ASN_ENCODING publicKeyInfo hKey fprintf stderr CryptImportPublicKeyInfo..

MS Crypto API behavior on Windows XP vs Vista/7


SUPPORT FOR r n wprintf L t s r n pProviderName HCRYPTPROV hProv if windowsAcquireProviderContext hProv pProviderName wprintf.. HCRYPTPROV hProv if windowsAcquireProviderContext hProv pProviderName wprintf L t CryptAcquireContext FAILED. r n return.. NULL blobSize NULL NULL CryptReleaseContext hProv 0 wprintf L t CryptStringToBinary.1 FAILED . r n return false..

MSDN HMAC-SHA1 example not working


CALG_SHA1 int main Declare variables. HCRYPTPROV hProv NULL HCRYPTHASH hHash NULL HCRYPTKEY hKey NULL BYTE DesKeyBlob.. HmacInfo.cbOuterString 0 Step 1 if CryptAcquireContext hProv handle of the CSP NULL key container name NULL CSP name PROV_RSA_FULL.. imports the key used... as hKey1 if CryptImportKey hProv DesKeyBlob sizeof DesKeyBlob 0 CRYPT_EXPORTABLE hKey printf..