

c++ Programming Glossary: int_value

How to check std::string if its indeed an integer?


iostream #include sstream int main std string str H int int_value std istringstream ss str ss int_value std cout int_value std.. std string str H int int_value std istringstream ss str ss int_value std cout int_value std endl return 0 EDIT This is the solution.. int_value std istringstream ss str ss int_value std cout int_value std endl return 0 EDIT This is the solution that I liked because..

C/C++: When would anyone use a union? Is it basically a remnant from the C only days?


int type union char char_value short short_value int int_value long long_value float float_value double double_value void ptr_value.. v type case VAR_FLOAT v float_value n break case VAR_INT v int_value n break ... This is actually a pretty common idiom specially..