

c++ Programming Glossary: mmm

Date/Time parsing in C++ (Any format string to Epoch)


can be more than one actually say 25 formats like EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm ss ' 'ZZZ' ' EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm ss ' 'ZZZ' ' EEE.. 25 formats like EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm ss ' 'ZZZ' ' EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm ss ' 'ZZZ' ' EEE dd MMM yyyy hh mm ss z EEE dd MMM.. mm ss ' 'ZZZ' ' EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm ss ' 'ZZZ' ' EEE dd MMM yyyy hh mm ss z EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm Z EEE dd MMM yyyy HH mm..