

c++ Programming Glossary: mname

How to properly use qRegisterMetaType on a class derived from QObject?


this class ClassA public QObject Q_OBJECT public ClassA mName lol ~ClassA void ShowName std cout mName std endl std string.. public ClassA mName lol ~ClassA void ShowName std cout mName std endl std string mName Of course since I use moc this class.. ~ClassA void ShowName std cout mName std endl std string mName Of course since I use moc this class is actually split into..

Using vector of user defined class type objects


Code below should explain class grades public string mName string mSurname int mAge string mLocation int mMarks char mGrade.. ...exiting n exit 1 while infile.eof infile students i .mName Can i use push_back here and for reading all below entities.. 1 ios cur if isalnum c grades stud_temp infile stud_temp.mName infile stud_temp.mSurname infile stud_temp.mAge infile stud_temp.mLocation..