

c++ Programming Glossary: na

Ubuntu SDL program


event.key.keysym.sym printf A Tecla ' s' Foi Pressionada n key if event.key.keysym.sym SDLK_ESCAPE quit true break.. Solto n break case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN printf Pressionado n break case SDL_QUIT exit 1 break SDL_BlitSurface bg NULL.. de video if SDL_Init SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0 fprintf stderr Erro na inicializacao do SDL s n SDL_GetError exit 1 atexit SDL_Quit..

What is the bit size of long on 64-bit Windows?


integers. from http www.intel.com cd ids developer asmo na eng 197664.htm page 2 What should I use Should I define something.. design your software around platform neutral integer type names probably using the C99 inttypes.h header which when the types..

Spirit unable to assign attribute to single-element struct (or fusion sequence)


unable to assign attribute to single element struct or fusion sequence.. lexer lexertl lexer.hpp #include boost spirit home qi.hpp namespace spirit boost spirit struct ident std string value BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT.. spirit lex lexertl token char const boost mpl vector0 mpl_ na mpl_ bool_ 1 unsigned long void call' requested here assign_to_attribute_from_value..