

c++ Programming Glossary: omp_set_num_threads

OpenMP set_num_threads() is not working


want to control the number of threads in the program using omp_set_num_threads but it does not work. #include iostream #include omp.h #include.. myrank MPI_Comm_size MPI_COMM_WORLD groupsize omp_set_num_threads 4 sum 0 #pragma omp for reduction sum for int i 0 i n i sum.. outside of the parallel region in your case calling omp_set_num_threads still doesn't guarantee that the OpenMP runtime will use exactly..

Is it possible to do a reduction on an array with openmp?


like the following... float a float calloc 4 sizeof float omp_set_num_threads 13 #pragma omp parallel reduction a for i 0 i 4 i a i 1 Thread..