

c++ Programming Glossary: regex.hpp

Including Relevant Boost Libraries with C++ Source (Using Visual Studio)


is c Program Files boost boost_1_34_1 bin bcp.exe boost regex.hpp regex And it returns no errors detected c visual studio boost..

how to install boost to the VS 2008?


and 'include' but when I try to use Boost include boost regex.hpp I got this linking error 1 LINK fatal error LNK1104 cannot open..

Boost C++ regex - how to get multiple matches


like in this short example #include boost regex.hpp #include iostream #include string int main std string text abc..

How to read file which contains \uxxxx in vc++


locale #include boost scoped_array.hpp #include boost regex.hpp #include boost numeric conversion cast.hpp std wstring convert_unicode_escape_sequences..

Can you use Boost.Regex to parse a stream?


#include string #include boost foreach.hpp #include boost regex.hpp #include boost range.hpp using namespace std using namespace..

Is there a way to disable all warnings with a pragma?


integer.hpp #include boost optional.hpp #include boost regex.hpp #include boost smart_ptr.hpp #include boost algorithm string.hpp..

Is this C++11 regex error me or the compiler?


also uses the ECMAScript syntax by default #include boost regex.hpp int main int argc char argv using namespace boost regex e 0..

C++ tokenize a string using a regular expression


know what to search for. #include iostream #include boost regex.hpp using namespace std int main int argc string s do if argc 1..