

c++ Programming Glossary: selectobject

GDI Acceleration In Windows 7 / Drawing To Memory Bitmap


100 100 void CMemBmpTest Draw m_dcDeviceContext.SelectObject I.m_brshRedBrush m_dcDeviceContext.PatBlt 0 0 100 100 BLACKNESS.. Select the new bitmap into the memory DC m_pMemDC SelectObject m_pbmpMemBitmap Then create a GDI Graphics object m_gr Graphics..

Save bitmap to video (libavcodec ffmpeg)


hDesktopDC nScreenWidth nScreenHeight SelectObject hCaptureDC hCaptureBitmap BitBlt hCaptureDC 0 0 nScreenWidth..

Get a font filename based on the font handle (HFONT)


result false HDC hdc CreateCompatibleDC NULL if hdc NULL SelectObject hdc fontHandle const size_t size GetFontData hdc 0 0 NULL 0..

How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++


hdc item rc.right item rc.left item rc.bottom item rc.top SelectObject hdcmem hbitmap int r1 GetRValue top r2 GetRValue bottom g1 GetGValue.. 0 RGB 0 0 0 Select our brush into hDC HGDIOBJ old_pen SelectObject item hdc pen HGDIOBJ old_brush SelectObject item hdc selectbrush.. old_pen SelectObject item hdc pen HGDIOBJ old_brush SelectObject item hdc selectbrush If you want rounded button then use this..

How to read the screen pixels?


hDesktopDC nScreenWidth nScreenHeight SelectObject hCaptureDC hCaptureBitmap BitBlt hCaptureDC 0 0 nScreenWidth..

how to make screen screenshot with win32 in c++?


hScreenDc x y get a new bitmap HBITMAP hOldBitmap SelectObject hMemoryDC hBitmap BitBlt hMemoryDC 0 0 width height hScreenDC.. hMemoryDC 0 0 width height hScreenDC 0 0 SRCCOPY hBitmap SelectObject hMemoryDC hOldBitmap clean up DeleteDC hMemoryDC DeleteDC hScreenDC..

C++/Win32: How to get the alpha channel from an HBITMAP?


as transparent. HDC sourceHdc CreateCompatibleDC hdcDraw SelectObject sourceHdc m_hbmp This pixel has partial transparency but GetPixel..

Bitmap transfer using Winsock, GetDIBits and SetDiBits [closed]


hBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap ActiveDC scrWidth scrHeight SelectObject CopyDC hBitmap BitBlt CopyDC 0 0 scrWidth scrHeight ActiveDC.. hdc called from windows message WM_PAINT HGDIOBJ hobj hobj SelectObject RemoteDC hRemoteBitmap BitBlt hdc 0 0 scrWidth scrHeight RemoteDC.. BitBlt hdc 0 0 scrWidth scrHeight RemoteDC 0 0 SRCCOPY SelectObject hdc hobj DWORD WINAPI RecvData LPVOID param BYTE data new BYTE..

c++ using too much cpu


CreateCompatibleBitmap hdc 225 350 HBITMAP hOldMap HBITMAP SelectObject memDC hMemMap Graphics draw memDC Drawing Image bg L bg.jpg.. hdc 0 0 225 350 memDC 0 0 SRCCOPY ReleaseDC hWnd hdc SelectObject memDC hOldMap DeleteObject hMemMap DeleteDC memDC int APIENTRY..

Creating a transparent window in C++ Win32


CreateCompatibleDC hdcScreen HBITMAP hbmpOld HBITMAP SelectObject hdcMem hbmpSplash use the source image's alpha channel for blending.. ptZero RGB 0 0 0 blend ULW_ALPHA delete temporary objects SelectObject hdcMem hbmpOld DeleteDC hdcMem ReleaseDC NULL hdcScreen share..

How to save the client area of a child Window to a Bitmap file?


hDC rect.right rect.left rect.bottom rect.top SelectObject hTargetDC hBitmap PrintWindow hwnd hTargetDC PW_CLIENTONLY SaveBMPFile..

How to get screenshot of a window as bitmap object in C++?


hdcScreen rc.right rc.left rc.bottom rc.top SelectObject hdc hbmp Print to memory hdc PrintWindow hwnd hdc PW_CLIENTONLY..

Extract cursor image in Java


bitmap gdi32.CreateCompatibleBitmap hdc width height gdi32.SelectObject hdc bitmap user32.DrawIconEx hdc 0 0 hIcon width height 0 Pointer.NULL.. en us library dd162957 VS.85 .aspx public Pointer SelectObject Pointer hdc Pointer hgdiobj http msdn.microsoft.com en us library..