

c++ Programming Glossary: signal.h

Why can't Codan find size_t


cstdarg stdarg.h stddef.h sys resource.h ctime sys types.h signal.h cstdio If there is something else in there try replacing it..

cstdio stdio.h namespace


inttypes.h setjmp.h stdio.h time.h ctype.h iso646.h signal.h stdint.h uchar.h errno.h limits.h stdarg.h stdlib.h wchar.h..

How can I catch a ctrl-c event? (C++)


sigaction . Tom's code would now look like this #include signal.h #include stdlib.h #include stdio.h void my_handler int s printf..

C linkage for function pointer passed to C library


with Unix signals. To do so glibc provides a function in signal.h called sigaction which expects to receive a function pointer..

How to handle a ctrl-break signal in a command line interface


the signal function to register a signal handler #include signal.h void signal_handler int sig Handle the signal int main void..

How to deactivate input statement after some time?


stdio.h #include string.h #include unistd.h #include signal.h #include errno.h void handler_SIGALRM int signo signo 0 Get..

Capturing R6025 pure virtual call


terminate and invalid parameter handler. #include signal.h inline void signal_handler int terminator inline void terminator..

How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++?


#define __USE_GNU #endif #include execinfo.h #include signal.h #include string.h #include iostream #include cstdlib #include..

A very simple thread pool using pthreads in C++


list #include iostream #include pthread.h #include signal.h #include sys select.h the muticies protectors of the shared..

Is destructor called if SIGINT or SIGSTP issued?


all the usual destructors #include iostream #include signal.h #include cstring bool quit false signal flag void got_signal..

Set breakpoint in C or C++ code programmatically for gdb on Linux


One way is to signal an interrupt #include csignal or signal.h if C code Generate an interrupt raise SIGINT UPDATE MSDN states..

Is this a legitimate C++ code? [closed]


netdb.h #include arpa inet.h #include sys wait.h #include signal.h #define PORT 3490 the port users will be connecting to #define..

signal handling


Under Linux the code works fine. #include stdio.h #include signal.h #include stdlib.h void err_crash void my_signal_handler int..

C++: vector<string> *args = new vector<string>(); causes SIGABRT


std #include sys types.h #include sys wait.h #include signal.h Any thoughts c new operator stdvector sigabrt share improve..

How to convert signal name (string) to signal code?


is a simple way to convert the string to signal codes in signal.h . Currently I'm doing this by writing my own map that looks..

Override Ctrl-C


unistd.h #include sys wait.h #include sys types.h #include signal.h #include Input.h #include CircleBuff.h void handler_function..

How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes


the handler #include stdio.h #include execinfo.h #include signal.h #include stdlib.h void handler int sig void array 10 size_t..

Difference between string.h and cstring?


inttypes.h setjmp.h stdio.h time.h ctype.h iso646.h signal.h stdint.h uchar.h errno.h limits.h stdarg.h stdlib.h wchar.h..

How to programatically cause a core dump in C/C++


is anything other than quick'n'dirty debug code . #include signal.h raise 6 Calling abort will also cause a core dump and you can..