

c++ Programming Glossary: somthing

std::put_time formats


get date stamp in YYYY MM DD HH MM SS format. Now I write somthing like this std chrono time_point std chrono system_clock now..

Circular reference in C++ without pointers


circular references without using pointers I need to have somthing like this struct A struct B A a struct A B b Thanks c pointers..

How to read-write into/from text file with comma separated values


then print them out using a fixed width. Then I would do somthing like this. struct LineWriter LineWriter std ostream str int..

Calling class method through NULL class pointer


Under the hood most compilers will transform your class to somthing like this struct _ABC_data int a table of member functions void..

Using Visual Studio project properties effectively for multiple projects and configurations


share improve this question I just found out somthing I didnt think was possible it is not exposed by the GUI that..

How To catch python stdout in c++ code


returns an empty string char instead of 6... Is there somthing i can do not to loose this output Thaks Alex c python redirect..

Qt - How to get|compile Mysql driver


Find the driver sources in the Qt source tree somthing like qt src plugins sqldrivers mysql then build it. The game..