

c++ Programming Glossary: stdexcept

performance of C++0x exceptions


share improve this question #include iostream #include stdexcept struct SpaceWaster SpaceWaster int l SpaceWaster p level l prev..

Convert from an infix expression to postfix (C++) using Stacks


' ' rightOperator ' ' return false return true #include stdexcept #include cctype #include sstream #include stack std string convertToPostfix..

Storing boost::function objects in a container


#include functional #include algorithm #include stdexcept #include iostream #include typeinfo #include utility #include..

C++11 reentrant class locking strategy


cassert #include iostream #include memory #include stdexcept #include example.hpp int main const int argc const char argv..

How do create an overloaded operator for the form a[x][y]? [duplicate]


requirements of an std vector . #include vector #include stdexcept template typename T class matrix class row std vector T values..

How to check std::string if its indeed an integer?


iostream #include sstream #include string #include stdexcept class BadConversion public std runtime_error public BadConversion..

Should I inherit from std::exception?


How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++?


string.h #include iostream #include cstdlib #include stdexcept void my_terminate void namespace invoke set_terminate as part..

Safely checking the type of a variable


a handle has to inherit from a common base class. #include stdexcept #include typeinfo #include string #include iostream using namespace..

OneOfAType container — storing one each of a given type in a container — am I off base here?


Here is a simple class that provides this mapping #include stdexcept #include boost shared_ptr.hpp class typeinfo private typeinfo..

How do I HTML-/ URL-Encode a std::wstring containing Unicode characters?


iostream #include sstream #include iomanip #include stdexcept #include boost scoped_array.hpp #include QtCore QString #include..

c++ stack trace from unhandled exception?


set_terminate #include cstdlib #include iostream #include stdexcept #include execinfo.h void handler void trace_elems 20 int trace_elem_count..

C++ convert string to hexadecimal and vice versa


lut c 15 return output #include algorithm #include stdexcept std string hex_to_string const std string input static const..

Parse YAML Files in C/C++


iyaml .hh #include tr1 memory #include iostream #include stdexcept using namespace std What should libyaml do when a YAML entity..

Print information in “test mode” but not in “normal execution”


#include boost fusion include next.hpp #include stdexcept #include iostream template typename IterS typename IterSeqE..

Unresolved externals in C++ when using vectors and find


math.h #include vector #include algorithm #include stdexcept using namespace std double someFunc double Y int length vector..

Catching exception: divide by zero


intDiv in the following program #include iostream #include stdexcept Integer division catching divide by zero. inline int intDivEx..

Building boost::options from a string/boost::any map


boost program_options.hpp #include typeinfo #include stdexcept namespace po boost program_options class any_option public any_option..

SWIG (v1.3.29) generated C++ to Java Vector class not acting properly


defines our module num module num #include vector #include stdexcept std vector double testVec return std vector double 10 1.0 std..

Call function with parameters extracted from string


iostream #include sstream #include functional #include stdexcept #include type_traits for proper evaluation of the stream extraction..