

c++ Programming Glossary: trend

C++ Array vs Vector performance test explanation [closed]


the same speed. The repetition of this test shows the same trend. The code #include vector #include iostream #include cstdlib..

OpenMP performance


locally until now . On the Macbook you see basically the trend you'd expect C code time Serial ~34 seconds 2 thrds ~21 seconds..

Why use prefixes on member variables in C++ classes


seen it in Ruby or Python code. Thus there seems to be a trend with more modern languages to not use special markup for member..

Why 50 threads faster than 4?


of cores up to 60 . Above you can see a definite downward trend as the thread count increases. You can also see the spread of.. of results I noticed that the jumbled box plot showed a trend for those tests that were multiples of 4 but the data was a.. the red line that I used previously because it shows the trend more clearly. It seems that in this particular case the pay..

Are mutex lock functions sufficient without volatile?


sequence points Thanks greatly. Update Alright I can see a trend with answers explaining why volatile is bad. I respect those..

Is Python faster and lighter than C++? [closed]


out. My experiences with Python show the same definite trend that Python is on the order of between 10 and 100 times slower..