

c++ Programming Glossary: triggers

Why is this a floating point exception?


return 0 c share improve this question The operation triggers SIGFPE SIG is a common prefix for signal names FPE is an acronym..

How should one log when an exception is triggered?


RAII specifically a Scoped Exit object that implicitly triggers if std uncaught_exception is not true on construction yet is..

A positive lambda: '+[]{}' - What sorcery is this? [duplicate]


this question Yes the code is standard conforming. The triggers a conversion to a plain old function pointer for the lambda... closure object an assignment to the function pointer triggers the same conversion as in the first line. Even though the second..

Is there a standard sign function (signum, sgn) in C/C++?


signum is more understandable. The 0 part of the check triggers GCC's Wtype limits warning when instantiated for an unsigned..

specialize a member template without specializing its parent


as long as there's a local arg template ERROR this syntax triggers explicit specialization struct B int template ERROR can't nest..

What new capabilities do user-defined literals add to C++?


std endl std cout value bits.to_ullong std endl This triggers the static_assert at compile time. auto badbits 2101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101_bits..

Best way to build a list of per type data?


that from outside. The side effect that static data member triggers can be used to call the register function template typename..

How do I use arrays in C++?


is a pointer the latter an array. Only when the context triggers array to pointer decay can x and x 0 be used interchangeably...

How can I run a child process that requires elevation and wait?


make sure that whatever element in your application triggers execution of the process requiring UAC elevation is marked accordingly..

Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings


for the way I code. I include it even though code that triggers this warning isn't necessarily wrong because I believe in working.. I should look at rewriting it. I suspect that code that triggers this warning could benefit from being more modular regardless.. is not something that I consider an error. For instance it triggers when using a range based for loop on a vector of classes. Return..

How to set breakpoint at the very beginning of program execution


any code starts running. Here's is a sample .reg file that triggers the dialog when you start notepad.exe. Modify the key name to..

Visual Studio debug iterators


For example _SECURE_SCL will terminate a program that triggers a heap overrun with a vector iterator. All that is explained..

How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes


segfaults. The baz function here causes the segfault that triggers the handler #include stdio.h #include execinfo.h #include signal.h..

Repeated typedefs - invalid in C but valid in C++?


I would like a standard reference why the following code triggers a compliance warning in C tested with gcc pedantic typedef redefinition..

what happens when you modify an element of an std::set?


reinserted or resorted but is there any mention of if it triggers undefined behavior For example I would imagine insertions would..

Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?
